Some of our most popular courses:
This is where it all starts. Our entry-level scuba certification course teaches you t...
Enroll in the Advanced Diver Course, explore new dive sites, and undertake exclusive ...
Many divers, who have Rescue Course, reflect on it being the best course they have ta...
Through NAUI, this is the equivalent of Divemaster but without the liability of a div...
Public safety diving is underwater diving conducted as part of la...
This is the first step on the professional side of scuba diving. During the Divemaste...
This course is the next step in becoming a scuba instructor. You will build on your k...
Have you ever dreamed of making a career as a diver? Are you ready to take the ...
This course will allow you to teach people to become instructors.
Check out our ca...
You will learn how to choose the proper blend of Nitrox for your dive profile, determ...
our course will also include teachings on the purpose, problems, hazards, planning, p...
In your Search and Recovery course, you’ll learn about underwater navigation us...
In the Underwater Photographer course you will be taught the skills, techniques, and ...
Underwater navigation can be challenging, but in the PADI Underwater Navigator Specia...
Dive into the crystal-clear waters of Cayman Brac with us from July 12-19, 2025! Join us for an unforgettable week exploring vibrant coral r...

Monthly Cookout & Movie Night
Click here to checkout the dates and times for our upcoming cookout & movie nights

Military Discounts
We proudly offer military discounts. Stop by and show a current military ID for your discount. Thank you for all you do!

Best Prices Are Here!
We will meet any of our local competitors’ fair and reasonable prices. Just bring in a printed flyer of the sale price!

Boy Scouts SCUBA Merit Badge
Click here to learn more about the Boy Scouts SCUBA Merit Badge.