Boy Scounts SCUBA Diving Merit badge
The Dive Shop is the premier shop classes toward the Boy Scouts of America SCUBA Diving Merit Badge!
Scout Masters should contact Our Staff to schedule a class.
Why would I want to get this merit badge?
Boy Scouts and adventure have always been synonymous. Now Scouts who want to explore the underwater world can earn a scuba diving merit badge. This is your ticket to a lifetime of intense adventure with NAUI, the dive company that sets the standards in the global diving community and partnered with the Boy Scouts of America to make this merit badge possible.
What are the requirements?
- Be at least 12 years old.
- Complete the NAUI Scuba Diving Certification Course.
- Complete First Aid for diving-related illnesses and injuries.
- Complete Swimming merit badge.
- Discuss the Scuba Diver’s Code with your merit badge counselor and explain the importance of each guideline to a scuba diver’s safety.
- Explain what an ecosystem is and describe four aquatic ecosystems a diver might experience. (To be researched by the scout and discussed with the MB counselor.)
- Find out about three career opportunities in the scuba industry. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor and explain why this profession might interest you. (To be researched by the scout and discussed with the MB counselor.)
Course Includes:

- Three classroom sessions
- Three pool sessions
- Educational Material:
- Text Book
- Log Book
- Student Folder
- Certification Card
- FREE DAN diver insurance
- Six months FREE Dive Training Magazine
- Use of Tanks, BCD, Regulator, & Weights for all pool sessions
- Two days of open water check-out dives
The BSA SCUBA Diving Merit Badge manual is available from the South Georgia Council.
The South Georgia Council has exciting events schedule for this year! For more information, go to
The Dive Shop can help your scout group fulfill all the requirements for the new SCUBA Diving Merit Badge. We have two approved counselors on staff. Contact us, we would be happy to come give a presentation at your next troop meeting!
Contact Information
The Dive Shop Staff